(by Vasil Ilyov)
     Macedonian "Neolithic revolution"
   With a relatively well spread network of road communications it was possible of unhindered links between the proto Macedonian tribes, and their incorporation in the system of the so called "Neolithic revolution", because of that, today we have more proof of organised inhabitation since the early stone age (early Neolithic)  and with indications of an older period, which means that Macedonia has evidence of  an evolution of her own culture, of a long continued period of implementing links with other civilisation areas in the Balkan and even wider regions (map 3). Example: The Neolithic material of east Macedonia Vrshnik at Tarintsi (close to Shtip) shows a narrow connection with some occurrences in Trakiya  (Karanovo) as well as with the early so called cultural groups in Anadolia. A Neolithic culture of the Skopje region shows certain similarities with that of  the so called Starchevo  group and Vincha group, while the older phase of  the art and the literacy on the cliffs of Tsrna Loma (Black Ruin) or Ilina Gora (Solar Forest) at Osinchani close to Skopje corresponds with the Lepenski Vir Culture . 
Neolithic inhabitation of the so called Porodin group on Pelagonija show a specific sign on living and burial. The archaeological material found in the many tombs near the Black river (map 4) show an exceptional knowledge of organising space,  and semantic shaping of  the Neolithic pots which are a clear testimony of  the respect for the cult of the sun and the cult of the cosmos,  (space, universe)  and a longer cultural continuity with the oldest (up to now) registered solar symbols and diverse  cosmographies, cosmogonies and cosmologies from around 5.500 B.C.. 



Similar symbols are discovered in the localities in Skochivir canyon and in the Kratovo region, the Skopje region abundans of cosmography, cosmonomy , astrology and solar symbols in the area of Tsrna  Loma or Ilina Gora near the village Osinchani (picture 3), dated at about 7.000 - 6.000 B.C. in the place "Tserje" at Govrlevo at the age of 6.000 B.C.[Picture 5] [Picture 6 
 The Macedonian Neolithic revolution and evolution , as well as the one from the Balkan - along the Danube and Balkan - Anadolia (map5) spaces is not cut of as some modern archaeologists would claim, but instead it has transformed and evolved to a higher degree of development of the material and spiritual culture. Possible migrations of some populations from East to West, from North to South and back could not be the cause or reason for the complete demise of cultures and populations of the Balkans. The established road communications enabled awareness among people of all the innovations and discoveries, they enabled trade and economic links among members of different tribes and later nations, they also enabled invasions of members of one tribe on other tribes, of one people on others but all of this could not contribute to a drastic or catastrophic radicalisation of the situation and a total wiping off the prehistoric and historic scene of all the tribes or the peoples in other words the whole population on the Balkan peninsular north of the Thermopiles. To this type of a conclusion we come from our palaeographic and paleolinguist research because in Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, and wider there is a conformation to the  continual presence of the so-called pre Slav population which used an alphabet and language which today could be identified as ancient Macedonian through different stages of development of its material culture on the Balkan peninsular. 
Beside the shown constatations it should be emphasised that common elements of the material culture of the so called  pre Slav population from the so named  different cultural groups from the separate territories on the Balkan actually just confirme the closenes or relatedness of the ethnic members to their so called cultural groups from the end of the Mesolithic and the beginning of the Neolithic right up till today  on the Balkan mild comfortable space  for living  and surviving  that are situated between the geographic lattitude of  20 degrees and 45 degrees northern lattitude, i.e. between the parallel that forms a belt where the oldest civilation centres in the world are found(map 3). The often registered  migration of certain inhabited suburbs and places from one location to another as well as the appearance in the stratography of the cultural layers from different inhabitants of all kinds of  artefacts made out of different material, colour, symbols, quality etc. is not relevant to the so claimed total disappearance of a suburb, culture or population, but on the contrary it could be a testimony to the existence of  cycles of evolution and evolutionary transformations in the cultural continuity of a separate suburb, cultural group, population. 

[ Introduction -Ancient Macedonia ] [Important communication axes in Macedonia]
[Ancient Macedonian language, alphabet and culture] [Archeological sites  close to village Osinchani-Skopje]
[Archeological site "Tserye" at Govrlevo village close to Skopje] [Sitovo cave close to Plovdiv-Bulgarija]