A New Map  of Turkey in Europe, 1:2,840,000, 56x56 cm. London; St.Petersburg, 1789

The British Library (BL-MR 43.315.107), London

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Kliknete na mapata za da ja vidite istata zgolemena.

Kartata  spored prikazot na reljefot i hidrografijata , se razlikuva od site prethodni karti. Reljefot se uste na e mnogu to~en, dodeka hidrografijata e poprecizna. Anti~kit enaselbi re~isi se izostaveni.

This map's presentation of the relief and hydrography of the region differs from all previous maps. The relief is still not very accurate, but the presentation of the hydrography is considerably improved. The ancient towns are almost all left out of this map.