Ljubljana, Slovenia

Theatre Center 20.00 pm

The Poker Night

Eight people each with his own story and all in this story. Hearts on the floor. Frank, flower in his brains and Thomas; mother Edwina is dreaming her suitors. Sister Rose, a woman of blind beauty. Streetcar. Lobotomy. Thomas is crying and Rose is kissing his wet face. Mother is hiding her eyes and ears. Blanche silently sitting behind them, address in her hand. Kowalski is breathing Stella, their night killed earlier nights and the big spider ate Mitch; next stop: “The Cemetery”.

“Under the judgment of psychoanalysis”
Hrvoje Ivankovic, “Slobodna Dalmacija”

The performance of Slovensko Mladinsko Theatre from Ljubljana “Who is afraid of Tennessee Williams?” performed in the theatre Kerempuh at the end of the Days of Satire takes the famous American writer as a medium for communication with the instincts thrown away from the normal “communication of the civilisation”. The director Matjaz Pograjc in collaboration with his team of eight people and the dramatist Mateja Zavrl interweaves effectively parts of Williams’ biography with the written and unwritten - intuitively sensed lives of his dramatic characters…”

“The sexual lives of the dramatists”
Z. Ciglar, “Vecernji List”

“The play questions the sexual life of the famous dramatist which according to testimonies of the actors significantly influenced his piece, in the same way as the attitude towards the erotic, significantly influences the consciousness of the creators and audience at the end of this century.”